Results of recent studies reported that supplements containing calcium and vitamin D only gave little protection against broken bones (fractures) in women.
In a study of 36,000 middle-aged and older women, taking calcium and vitamin D supplements each day only slightly reduce the thinning of the bones and reduce the risk of hip fracture (broken hip). However, the results were less promising as expected by the researchers.
After an average of 7 years, women who take supplements to obtain a value of 1% higher on tests of hip bone density compared with women taking placebo (without calcium).
Supplements reduce the risk of hip fractures as much as 12% but did not provide protection against a broken wrist and back. For women with more than 60 years of age who typically have a broken hip, calcium supplements reduce the risk of hip fractures as much as 21%.
Besides the impact on bone health, calcium supplements found to increase risk of kidney stones. In a related study, researchers found no association between calcium supplements with a reduced risk of colon cancer, as researchers had predicted.
The findings in this study may raise questions because of the entry of calcium from food and other sources are not counted. This may affect the study results.
According to Todd Nippoldt, MD, an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.., "Calcium continues to play an important role in bone health," and it seems reasonable to recommend levels of calcium daily through diet, supplements or both.
Although calcium supplements alone can not provide adequate protection against osteoporosis, calcium is still important as a healthy food for women.
"Based on general rules, we still recommend 1500 mg of calcium daily entries and 400 international units of vitamin D from food and supplements," says Dr. Nippoldt. "However, these recommendations vary depending on the condition of the individual." You and your doctor can determine the input of calcium and vitamin D in specific situations.
Choosing Calcium Supplements
Factors considered when choosing a calcium supplement is the number of elements contained calcium. Element indicates the amount of calcium in calcium supplements that are available to be absorbed the body.
Most calcium supplements list the amount of calcium in the label element. However, some brands list only the total weight of {in milligrams (mg)} each tablet. Total weight is the weight of calcium in any bond as carbonate, citrate, lactate or gluconate.
The easiest way to determine the number of elements of calcium in supplements is by looking at the Nutrition Facts label (Nutrition Facts). For calcium,% Daily Value {Daily Value (DV)} based on 1,000 mg of calcium element, so that every 10% of Daily Value column shows the elements of 100 mg of calcium (0.10 x 1,000 mg = 100 mg).
For example, if the calcium supplement had 60% Daily Value, the supplement contains 600 mg of calcium element (0.60 x 1,000 mg = 600 mg). Likewise, it is important to pay attention to serving size (number of tablets that you have to drink to get the% Daily Value listed on packaging labels.
Generic brands of calcium supplements are usually cheaper than brand name. According to the Mayo Clinic diet expert, Jennifer K. Nelson, RD, generic brands may not meet the standards required for tablet disintegration time. In other words, generic brands were destroyed more slowly which resulted in their effectiveness may decline.
Avoid calcium supplements contain bone-forming element or dolomite. These products may contain toxic substances, such as lead, mercury, arsenic. Do not be dazzled with calcium tablets with chelate bond. The product is more expensive and has no advantages over other types of calcium.
When to Take Calcium Supplements?
The best time to take calcium supplements depends on the type of calcium contained in supplements. Calcium supplements usually contain calcium carbonate or calcium citrate. Check the package label to know the form of supplemental content. Calcium carbonate should be taken with food. This is caused by stomach acid can increase the absorption of calcium carbonate. Calcium citrate does not need to be taken with food. No matter how many times a day taking various forms of calcium.
Calcium is absorbed very efficiently by the body when taken a number of 500 mg or less. If you consume 1,000 mg of calcium a day, divide into 2 or more doses throughout the day.
Calcium supplements may interfere with the absorption of some medications such as iron supplements, some antibiotics and blood pressure medications. Based on this reason, you should not take calcium supplements along with these drugs.
Consult with your doctor or pharmacist to find out the possible interaction between calcium and the drugs you are taking.
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