Kamis, 09 Juli 2009
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Kamis, 02 Juli 2009
Nowhere in the world offers such diverse and fascinating contrasts as the island Republic of Indonesia. Landscape ranges from coral atolls to volcanoes stretching across the backbone of Sumatra, Java, Bali and other islands in the east. Of 300 volcanoes, 128 are active, more than half of which have erupted. More than 300 known ethnic groups, each with its own culture and speaking some 200 distinct languages, inhabit the 13,677 islands in the archipelago. It would take you 38 years of island-hopping to visit each one! Covering a land area of 741,000 square miles (nearly 2 million sq km) the archipelago extends for 3,180 miles (5,120 km), roughly the distance between New York and San Francisco. Astride the equator, Indonesia is covered with lush vegetation-forests, coconut palms and jungle exotica, especially orchids. No fewer than 15,000 tropical species are recorded. This humid, green habitat is home for many rare animals, including the Java tiger, Komodo dragon and the magnificent birds of paradise.
water essential for life
needed to drink water as much as 3% of body weight or about 2.3 liters per day.
water was used for a variety of human needs as follows:
b. needs of the public: schools, offices, hospitals, markets, restaurants, Mushola, mosques, lodging / hotel, public bathing, recreation places and so forth.
c. irrigation needs: irrigate rice fields, gardens, plants, fish ponds, animal husbandry and sebagainnya.
d. needs of industry: making food / beverage, power plant, processing plant materials, fire fighting dsdnya.
air penting bagi kehidupan
untuk minuman dibutuhkan air sebanyak 3 % dari berat badan atau sekitar 2,3 liter setiap hari.
air dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai kebutuhan manusia sebagai berikut :
b. kebutuhan tempat umum : sekolah, kantor, rumah sakit, pasar, rumah makan, mushola, mesjid, penginapan/hotel, pemandian umum, tempat rekreasi dan sebagainya.
c. kebutuhan irigasi : mengairi sawah, ladang, tanaman, tambak ikan, peternakan hewan dan sebagainnya.
d. kebutuhan industri : membuat makanan/minuman, pembangkit tenaga listrik, pengolahan bahan pabrik, pemadaman kebakaran dsdnya.
gigi anak
Pertumbuhan gigi bisanya ditandai dengan perilaku mengigit-gigit yang lebih sering dari biasanya disertai menetesnya air liur (ludah), dan kadang ditandai pula dengan meningkatnya suhu tubuh.
Pada usia sekitar 6-13 tahun, gigi yang berjumlah 20 buah ini akan tanggal (lepas) dan kemudian digantikan dengan gigi tetap yang berjumlah 36.
children's teeth
Dentition bisanya by the behavior mengigit-bite that more often than is usually accompanied menetesnya spit (saliva), and sometimes also with a marked increase in body temperature.
At the age of 6-13 years, which amounted to 20 dental units akan this date (loose) and then replaced with the permanent teeth was 36.
Arrange for the time you rest. idelanya rest / sleep each person needs to sleep at least / at least about 7 hours per day.
sebab itu aturlah waktu istirahat anda. idelanya istirahat/tidur setiap orang membutuhkan tidur paling sedikit/minimal sekitar 7 jam perhari.
water source
1. water sky: rain water, snow, ice.
2. surface water: river water, lake water, water reservoir, lake water, sea water.
3. ground water, which can be divided into:
a. water seepage or shallow ground water (water dig wells, hand pump water)
b. in ground water (water in the pump, in artesian well)
c. artesis water (strong jet of water to top)
d. spring (water source, the exit to the surface and can flow sendir)
sumber air
1. air angkasa : air hujan, salju, es.
2. air permukaan : air sungai, air telaga, air waduk, air danau,air laut.
3. air tanah, yang dapat dibagi lagi menjadi :
a. air rembesan atau air tanah dangkal (air sumur gali, air pompa tangan)
b. air tanah dalam (air pompa dalam, sumur bor dalam)
c. air artesis (air yang memancar kuat ke atas)
d. mata air (sumber air yang keluar ke permukaan tanah dan dapat mengalir sendir)
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